Unlock Your Body's Natural Slimming Power

Discover how Hypnosis can help you shed unwanted pounds and achieve lasting weight management.

  • Are you struggling to lose weight?

  • Feeling discouraged by fad diets and yo-yo dieting?

  • Do you comfort eat...emotionally eat or boredom eat?

  • Do you feel like food controls you?

This Complete Weight Loss Hypnosis Course is for YOU if you :

  • Are ready to release emotional eating, overeating and binge eating behaviours.

  • Want to curb cravings and compulsions for unhealthy foods and drinks.

  • Are looking to increase your desire to move more, enjoy exercise and feel better in yourself.

  • Are ready to take back control of your life for the better.

  • Have tried evey diet, pill and potion BUT are now ready to make permanent change.

Special Offer for May 2024.

Save 75% on the regular cost of this course.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Immediate Access Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

This complete hypnosis course for weight release includes :

  • 4 x Rapid Change Video Hypnosis Sessions

    Value €397

    Four pre-recorded rapid change video hypnosis sessions for weight Loss.

  • 4 x Deep Change Audio Recordings

    Value €297

    Four high-quality audio reinforcement recordings for easy and long-lasting change.

  • Life Enhancing Tool Pack

    Value €180

    Specifically crafted NLP and Positive Psychology tools to enhance your life and manage day to day stresses.

Hypnosis to Release Habits, Cravings & Compulsions

Total Course Value €8̶7̶4̶ For a limited time €97!

What Previous Clients have to say :

“The last few weeks have really been an eye opener. Lots of positive changes; Exercise everyday 2 ltrs water everyday Stress breadth 478 Enjoyed Weekly tips and tricks updates with reinforcements ...im a visual person and love to read. Learning and becoming much more aware of food and meal times and how I approach and deal with them ~ GH”


“ I cannot believe how I can have 1/2 drinks for the first time ever and not have to drink the bottle. I love not treating my body like a bin. I love not being ruled by chocolate. I feel much lighter (not from the scales) but to have shed this addiction to 'rewarding' myself with these poisonous things that make me feel like shit once consumed. I treated myself to a spa day this weekend with a friend and enjoyed the fruit and orange juice, before I would be gutted it wasn't something sweet or alcohol or cake. And I don't feel guilty spending the money on a meal out or a spa trip because I would have spent the same if not more on junk before. Weekends last longer as I am not always on a 'fix' rollercoaster guilt tripping over my last chocolate bar but waiting for the next one. My mind is so much calmer. I have recently taken up roller skating as well as a 'Strictly Ballroom' dance fundraiser and I honestly am so calm doing both and enjoying them rather than seeking enjoyment from food. ~KL”


“How easy it has been to stop eating or wanting sweet things. No chocolate for 3 weeks and it has been effortless. Instead, I am always thirsty for plain water! No mi wadi or Flavours. ~ KL ”


“Last few weeks have been amazing. Not so much in weight loss but I have gone from having a Monster Zero and big bag of malteezers and another 2 bars a day and 2 cans of Coke Zero to now having none of that. I was at a wedding last week I don't drink alcohol so I did have a few red bulls. I do now also drink Plain WATER ~ CM”


“Drinking more water, I used to drink lots when. I was younger, so I'm glad to be drinking more water again. Also, I'm more motivated to walk, I've been trying to get as close to 10k steps a day, and I am achieving this - TB”


“I can't believe how easy it has been to stop eating or wanting sweet things. No chocolate for 3 weeks and it has been effortless. Instead, I am always thirsty for plain water! No mi wadi or Flavours. ~ KL ”


“A whole dress size down! Fitting into my size 14 jeans that had been relagated to the back of the wardrobe! Now aiming for my size 12s for Christmas 😊 ~ NC”


“No sugar. No snacks after dinner which was my most difficult time of day. Increase in praising myself. An awareness of negative thinking and saying Stop…… Weight down 4 pounds from starting weight. This is very positive for me as I didn’t lose anything the first WEEK. ~ FH”


“So happy to not be thinking about previous binge foods. Being able to have treats in the house for my son without eating them ALL ~ SA”


Make the change NOW!

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